1. abandon [ə'bændən] vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵
= give up /quit/ drop/ get rid of /desert + doing sth
注: desert: v. 抛弃; n. 沙漠; 区别:dessert 甜点;cookie 小甜饼干
****abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to) 注:to为介词+n/代/v-ing
E.g. Don’t abandon yourself to drugs. = Don’t be addicted to drugs. 不要沉溺于毒品
2. absolute ['æbsəlut] adj. 完全的, 绝对的
ad v. absolutely = completely 完全地,绝对地
需要记住的常见的含有绝对意义的词:absolutely/completely/extremely/ never/ only /always/all (即:见了选项中有这些词通常不选。) e.g. P135. 第5题直接选择D.
3. abundant [ə'bʌndənt] adj. 丰富的,大量的 (=plentiful)
补充:be abundant in ...= be rich i n..... 富有
E.g. China is a country which is ~/rich in mineral resources.
补充:sufficient 充足的 反):insufficient (参照 第420个单词)
4. accident ['æksədənt] n. 意外事件, 事故
区别:event (重大)事件;incident (小)事情;affair: current ~s 实事;have an ~ with sb 出轨
by accident 偶然(=by chance) (on purpose 故意)
补充:1) happen to do sth 碰巧做....
2) run into =come across 偶遇= encounter (参照155个单词)
E.g. I happened to come across my roommate on the bus. 我碰巧在公交车上遇到了我的室友。
5. accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] vt. 陪伴,陪同
规律:accompanied by 主谓一致考点,谓语v单复数要遵循就远一致原则。
E.g. The girl, accompanied by her friends, ______(go) shopping.
即:go要取决于距离它较远的主语,此题中是the girl, 三单,谓语v+s/es. 答案为:goes.
6. accomplish [ə'kɑmplɪʃ] vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task
=come true /finish/achieve/complete
accomplishment [ə'kɑmplɪʃmənt] n. 成就= achievement
7. action ['ækʃən] n. 动作, 行动, 举动
take actions to do sth. 采取行动做某事 (同:take measures to do sth.)
补:= take steps to do sth
E.g. The government should take actions/measures to improve our living surroundings.
===> Measures /actions should be taken by the government to improve our living surroundings. 政府应该采取措施保护我们的生存环境.
8. actor ['æktɚ] n. 男演员 → actress n. 女演员
类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)
区别:waiter 男服务员; host 主人; prince 王子
9. advertise ['ædvɚtaɪz] v. 为....做广告
advertisement/ad n. 广告
10. aim at 以....为目标,旨在
句型:aim at doing sth ; aim to do sth.
E.g. He studies so hard, aiming at passing the entrance examinatio n.
11. alternative [ɔl'tɝnətɪv] n. 可供选择的办法, 抉择
have no ~ but to do 别无选择,只得.... (= have no choice but to do)
比较:have nothing to do but do
*****规律:but 当除了讲,前有do(does/did/ to do ), 后无to; 前无do(does/did/to do ), 后有to.
E.g. I have no choice but to give up. = I have no alternative but to give up. ( 前无do(does/did/to do ), 后有to) = I can do nothing but give up (前有do(does/did/ to do ), 后无to)
12. amaze [ə'mez]/astonish[ə'stɑnɪʃ]/surprise [sɚ'praɪz]/shock [ʃɑk] vt. 使吃惊
~ed ~ing
人 物
E.g. She is amazed . ; It is amazing.
13. ambition [æm'bɪʃən] n. 野心, 雄心
ambitious [æm'bɪʃəs] adj. 有雄心的, 野心勃勃的
14. analyze ['ænə,laɪz]vt. 分析, 分解 analysis [ə'næləsɪs] analyst ['ænəlɪst]
15. ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] adj. 远古的,古代的 ~ times
16. anniversary [,ænɪ'vɝsəri] n. 周年纪念 twentieth ~
annual ['ænjuəl] adj. 每年的,年度的
注:以上单词均属于阅读理解词汇,大家见了认识即可。(ps: 见了一定要保证自己认得到、否则会影响对句子的理解。)
17. anxious ['æŋkʃəs] adj. 焦虑的,担心的
be ~ about/for sth. 对…感到忧虑
be ~ to do sth. 渴望做某事(=be eager to do =long to do)= die for/ be thirsty for...
anxiety [æŋ'zaɪəti] n. 焦虑
E.g. We are longing/anxious for permanent peace. 我们渴望永久的和平。
18. apology [ə'pɑlədʒi] n. 道歉 make an ~ to sb. for sth.
apologize [ə'pɑlədʒaɪz] v. 道歉 ~ to sb. for sth.
E.g. I’d like to make an apology to you for the inconvenience I may bring.
= ..................to.apologize to you ...................................................................
我想为我可能给你带来的不便道歉。(道歉信通用 可以背下来)
19. appeal [ə'pil] v . 呼吁,恳求
1)~ to sb. to do sth.
= ask /beg sb to do sth 恳请某人做... E.g. We appeal to the man to give up smoking. 我们呼吁男性戒烟。
补充:appeal to: 求助、诉诸 e.g. ~the public/law = turn to the public/law for help.
吸引: e.g. Her hat appeals to me. 她的帽子吸引了我
20. appoint [ə'pɔɪnt] vt. 约定, 任命
appointment [ə'pɔɪntmənt] n. 约会,约定(因工作需要)
补充:make an ~ with sb 与...约会
比较:date (男女约会)
21. approach [ə'protʃ] vt. 接近 n. 接近,方法, 步骤
考点:1) ~ to (介)= get close to..接近;
2) the/an ~ to....= the way/mean/solution to(介) ...的方法
E.g. We’d better find a solution to air pollutio n. 我们最好找到解决空气污染的方法。
22. appropriate [əˈpropriɪt] adj. 适当的,恰当的
=right/correct 反:inappropriate/incorrect
23. arrest [ə'rɛst] vt./ n. 逮捕, 拘留
under ~ 被拘捕
补充:under attack 被袭击; under control 被控制; under construction 在建设之中;under discussion 在讨论之中 识记
24. assign [ə'saɪn] vt. 分配, 指派
~ sb. to do sth. 分派某人做某事
~ sth. to sb. 分派某事给某人
补充:assignment 任务、家庭作业= task/homework 识记
25. associate [ə'soʃɪet] vt. 使发生联系, 使联合
~ ... with... e.g. She always associated happiness with having money.
=combine/connect...with... (参照 第77个单词)
补充: have something/nothing to do with 与....有关/无关
E.g. This air crash has something with the pilot’s carelessness. 这场空难和飞行员的粗心有关。
26. assure [ə'ʃʊr] vt. 向…保证 ~ sb. that... e.g. He assured us that the train would be on time.
使确信 ~ sb. of sth. =convince sb of sth e.g. He assured her of his love.
ensure [ɪn'ʃʊr] vt. 确保, 确保 ~ sb. sth. 确保某人获得某物
e.g. These pills will ~ you a good night’s sleep.
insure [ɪn'ʃʊr] vt. 给...保险 ~ sb. insurance n.
确保 ~ sth. e.g. His talent and dedication will ~ his success.
补充:专升本考试中常见的v+sb+of +sth (11个)
Convince /assure ; remind/warn; notify /inform; rob /deprive + sb of sth
使相信 提醒, 使记起/ 警告 通知 抢劫/剥夺
Cure /suspect / accuse + sb of sth
治愈 怀疑 控告
E.g. His words remind me of my childhood. 他的话使我想起了我的童年。
The doctor cured him of lung cancer. 医生治愈了他的肺癌。
27. attack [ə'tæk] vt./ n. 进攻, 攻击 under ~
比较: attract: 吸引
attach: 附、粘...上 ~ to.(介)...
28. attempt [ə'tɛmpt]vt./ n. 尝试, 企图
~ to do 企图,努力
in an ~ to do 试图,力图
29. attract [ə'trækt] vt. 吸引 attractive [ə'træktɪv] adj. attraction [ə'trækʃən] n.景点,景区 distract [dɪ'strækt] (反, v.)
30. authority [ə'θɔrəti] n. 权威, 威信, 权威人士 (pl.) the authorities 当局,官方
author ['ɔθɚ] n. 作者,作家
authoritative [ə'θɔrətetɪv] adj. 权威的, 有权威的
authorize ['ɔθəraɪz] v. 批准,授权 ~ sb. to do sth.
31. automatic ['ɔtə'mætɪk] adj. 自动的, 无意识的, 机械的
automobile [,ɔtəmə'bil] n. 汽车 (=motor car) (注意:该词在翻译、和写作中要用到)
32. average ['ævərɪdʒ] n. 平均 on ~ 平均
补充:average people 平民(阅读词汇)
33. avoid [ə'vɔɪd] vt. 避免, 消除 ~ doing sth 避免做..... *****
avoidable [ə'vɔɪdəbl] adj. 可避免的
unavoidable / inevitable [ɪn'ɛvɪtəbl] adj. 不可避免的, 必然的
补充1:indispensable 不可或缺的,必需的。 E.g. Water is an ~ water.
补充2:用肯定形式表示否定意义: beyond words/ description 无法形容
far from.... 远非 ~ perfect 一点儿也不完美
used to do sth 过去常.....(现在不...)
34. award [ə'wɔrd] n. 奖品 vt. 授予 be awarded sth.
reward [rɪ'wɔrd] vt./ n. 报答, 奖赏
~ sb. for sth. 因…而报答某人
~ sb. with sth. 用…酬劳某人
in ~ for 作为对…回报
补充:rewarding 有报酬的,有益的
35. aware [ə'wɛr] / conscious ['kɑnʃəs] adj. 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的
be ~ of 意识到 补充:realize
E.g. I am aware /conscious of my error. 我意识到了我的错误。
36. awkward ['ɔkwɚd] adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的
37. bachelor ['bætʃəlɚ] n. 单身汉, 文理学士 a ~’s degree 学士学位 (master, doctor)
补充:master 研究生;大师;主人
Have a good knowledge/ master of ....精通... E.g. She has a good ~ of Japanese. 她精通日语
38. backward ['bækwɚd] ad v./ adj.向后地(的)
~ward 向…的 forward, upward, downward
39. balance ['bæləns] n. 天平, 平衡;账户余额 (bank)
keep one’s ~ lose ~
补充:account 重点词
1) 一词多义:账目,账户,叙述,描述,解释,说明,会计,计算
On ~ of 因为
3) On no ~ 绝不 (位于句首句子要半倒装)
4) Take ... into account / consideration 把...考虑在内
5) Account for 解释,说明;占百分比
deposit 存钱; withdraw 取钱; open an account 开户; saving account 储蓄账户;checking account 支票账户 (银行类词汇)
40. bare [bɛr] adj. 赤裸的, 无遮蔽的(身体局部) ~ feet, arm, head
naked ['nekɪd] adj. 裸体的, 无遮盖的(全身)
41. beat [bit] v. 打, 打败
区别:~ sb
win +组织、比赛
拓展: defeat rivals/opponents 击败对手
42. behalf [bɪ'hæf] n. 利益,支持 on behalf of 代表= stand for (与 第373个单词一起记忆)
43. behave [bɪ'hev] vi. 举动, 举止 ~ oneself 举止得体
behavior [bɪ'hevjɚ] n. 举止, 行为
44. believe [bɪ'liv] v.相信 believe in 信任,信仰 belief [bɪ'lif] n. 信任, 信仰
补充:trust 信任 +sb
45. belong to [bɪ'lɔŋ] [tu]属于 (无被动态) e.g. The house belongs to him.
46. benefit ['bɛnɪfɪt] n. 利益, 好处 vt.有益于, 有助于
to one’s ~ 对…有利 ~ from 从…受益= take advantage of
补充: adj. beneficial be ~ to (介)... 对...有利
E.g. Walking after dinner is ~ to our health.
47. bitter ['bɪtɚ] adj. 痛苦的,严酷的,难受的= painful ( 第310个单词一起记忆)
48. blame [blem] vt. 责备, 谴责
(sb.) be to blame 该受责备 (用主动形式表被动意义 注:不能写成be to be blamed )
~ sb. for sth. 将…归咎于某人=charge sb with sth /accuse sb of sth 识记该句型
49. bold [bold] adj. 大胆的,勇敢的,莽撞的 补:brave 勇敢的
50. bore [bɔr] v. 使烦扰 boring(物) bored(人)
51. bound [baʊnd] adj. 有义务的,注定的 be ~ to do 一定要,注定要
E.g. It is bound to rain heavily. 天将要下大雨。
adj. 开往...去的 be ~ for spl.
E.g. This ship is bound for Italy. 这艘船开往意大利。
52. boundary ['baʊndri] n. 边界, 分界线 (表明一区域外缘的明显的,具有限制作用的线)
border ['bɔrdɚ] n. 边界, 国界(两国之间的边界线,有分割政治实体的作用)
53. brief [bɪ'lif] adj. 简短的, 短暂的 in ~ 简而言之 (=in one word, to conclude, to be simple) (写作词汇)
54. business [ˈbɪznɪs] n. 商业, 交易, 事务
on ~ 因公事,出差
It’s none of your ~. 与你无关
55. calm [kɑm] adj.平静的, 镇静的, 沉着的=composed v. (使)平静, (使)镇定, 平息
补充:calm down 冷静下来
56. campaign [kæm'pen] n. 战役, (政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动(强调有目的的大规模军事行动)
battle ['bætl]一场战役中的一次战斗
struggle ['strʌɡl] 侧重政治和精神斗争
conflict ['kɑnflɪkt]指武力或思想上的冲突
champion ['tʃæmpɪən] n. 冠军 champagne [ʃæm'pen] n. 香槟酒
57. campus ['kæmpəs] n. 校园 on ~
schoolyard ['skuljɑrd] n. 校园, 运动场 in the ~
58. cancel ['kænsl]vt. 取消, 删去= call off
补充:推迟:put off/delay/postpone +doing sth
59. candidate [ˈkændɪˌdet] n. 候选人;应试者,候补者
60. capture ['kæptʃɚ]vt. 俘获, 捕获 ~ one’s heart 俘获...的心
61. career [kə'rɪr] n. 事业, 生涯,指终生从事的事业。
job [dʒɔb]暗示可获得报酬的工作。(可数= position)
work 覆盖范围最广,不可数名词。 区别: works 作品
profession [prə'fɛʃən]强调受过高等教育才能担任的职务。
62. cash [kæʃ] n. 现金 to pay in cash 用现金支付
63. casual ['kæʒʊəl] adj. 偶然的, 随便的, 临时的= occasional( 第347个单词) /random /temporary ( 第430个单词)
补充: ~ clothes 便装; formal clothes 正装
64. celebrate ['sɛlɪbret] v. 庆祝, 祝贺, 表扬 celebration n.
(参照 第97个单词)
65. ceremony ['sɛrə'moni] n. 典礼, 仪式
补充:wedding /funeral ~ 婚、丧礼
66. certificate [sɚ'tɪfɪkət] n. 证书, 证明书 birth ~ 出生证明 marriage ~ 结婚证
67. cheat [tʃit] v. 欺骗, 骗取= deceive ( 第116个单词)/ trick ( 第437个单词)
cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人去做某事= deceive /trick sb into doing sth
反:cheat/deceive/trick.............out of doing sth ............不做......
cheat sb. out of sth. 骗走某人某物
68. check in 登记入住 check out 付账后离开 check [tʃɛk] 地点:hotel
69. chief [tʃif] adj. 主要的, 首要的, 首席的
70. choice [tʃɔɪs] n. 选择, 抉择
have no ~ but to do sth. 别无选择,只能做某事 (=have no alternative but to do)
choose [tʃuz] v. 选择, 选定
(参照 第11个单词)
71. classify ['klæsɪfaɪ] vt. 分类, 分等 classification [,klæsɪfɪ'keʃən] n.
补充:class 班级; grade { n: 年级,分数=(score),等级 ; v. 给...分等级
upgrade 升级; degrade 降级/堕落
72. clarify ['klærəfaɪ] v. 澄清, 阐明 clear [klɪr] adj.
= throw light on/upon 澄清
补充:clear up 打扫干净;天空放晴
73. client ['klaɪənt] n. 客户, 委托人= customer
74. climate ['klaɪmət] n. 气候(某地区固有的天气状况)
weather ['wɛðɚ] n. 天气(某地区短时间内的天气变化)
75. coach [kotʃ] n. 长途汽车, 教练;车厢 v. 训练, 指导= train
Train-- trainer(教练) ----trainee(学员)
类比:interview(采访,面试)--interviewer (面试官)--interviewee (被面试人)
Employ(雇佣)---employer (雇主)---employee (员工)
(与 第250个单词、154个单词合起来记忆)
76. colleague ['kɑliɡ] n. 同事, 同僚= coworker
比较:college ['kɑlɪdʒ] n. (综合大学中的)学院
77. combine [kəm'baɪn] v. (使)联合, (使)结合 combination [,kɑmbɪ'neʃən] n.
~ A with B ~ A and B
78. command [kə'mænd] n. 命令, 掌握
under one’s ~ 在…的控制/掌握之下= sb be in charge
补充:1) ~ that......................( should) do
2) commander 司令官,指挥员
79. comment ['kɑmɛnt] n./vi. 评论
~ on sth. 对…作评论
= remarks on/upon (参照 第368个单词)
80. commit [kə'mɪt] vt. 犯(错误), 干(坏事),承诺
~ suicide, murder, mistake, error (自杀,谋杀,犯错误)
be committed to do sth. 承诺做某事
81. committee [kə'mɪti] n. 委员会 (为集合名词,看作整体时,谓语动词用单数;看作个体时, 谓语动词用复数。又如:class, police, group等。)
82. communicate [kə'mjunɪket] v. 沟通, 通信,传达 communication [kə,mjunɪ'keʃən] n.
~ with sb. 和某人交流
83. compare [kəm'pɛr] v. 比较, 相比 (包括similarity和difference)
~ A with B 将A与B进行比较
~ A to B 将A与B进行比较;将A比作B(侧重此义)
e.g. Poets often compare death to sleep. 诗人通常将死亡比睡觉
contrast ['kɑntræst] vt. 使与...对比, 使与...对照 (侧重difference)
拓展: n. comparison beyond/without ~ 无与伦比
by contrast 与...形成鲜明对比
on the contrary 相反地 (与 第103个单词一起记忆)
84. compensate ['kɑmpɛnset] v. 偿还, 补偿
补充:~ for= make up for .... 对...做补偿 e.g. Hard work often can ~ intelligence 勤能补拙
Compensation trade 补偿贸易
85. compete [kəm'pit] vi. 比赛, 竞争 ~ with/against sb. for sth. (识记固定搭配)
competition [,kɑmpə'tɪʃən] n. 竞争, 竞赛
competitive [kəm'pɛtətɪv] adj. 竞争的
competitor [kəm'pɛtɪtɚ] n. 竞争者
competent ['kɑmpɪtənt] adj. 有能力的, 胜任的 补充:be competent i n.... = be qualified to do sth e.g. She is competent in her work = he is qualified to do her job.
86. complain [kəm'plen] v. 抱怨, 悲叹,埋怨 ~ of /about 抱怨、投诉...
complaint [kəm'plent] n. 抱怨,投诉 letter of ~ 投诉信
explain [ɪk'splen] v. 解释 → explanation [,ɛksplə'neʃən] n.
87. complex ['kɑm,plɛks] adj. 复杂的, 综合的 (一般结构上复杂)
complicated ['kɑmplɪketɪd] adj. 复杂的, 难解的 (不仅结构上复杂,而且在理解上也很难)
补充:comprehend v. 理解
comprehensive adj. 全面的,综合的 ~ reform 全面的改革
88. compose [kəm'poz] v. 组成, 写作; 作曲
be ~ed of 由…构成 (=be made up of =consist of)= include
component [kəm'ponənt] n. 成分,元件,组件
composition [,kɑmpə'zɪʃən] n. 构成,作文
补充:composer 作曲家,设计者
composed adj. 镇静的,沉着的= calm
consist in = lie in 在于; consist with 与...一致
e.g. This article is composed of 5 paragraphs. = this article is made up of 5 paragraphs. 这篇文章有五个段落组成
89. compromise ['kɑmprəmaɪz] n./ v. 妥协, 折衷
补充:active/passive adj. 积极主动 (参照314个单词)
positive/negative adj. 消极、被动 (参照295个单词)
neutral adj. 中立的 (参照298个单词)
90. concept ['kɑnsɛpt] n. 观念, 概念
91. concern [kən'sɝn] vt./ n. 涉及, (利害)关系, 关心
as far as sb./sth. be concerned 就…而言
be ~ed about 关心
be ~ed with 牵涉到
补充:concerning = about ; regarding = about
92. conclude [kən'klud] v. 结束, 终止, 作出结论 to ~ 总而言之
conclusion [kən'kluʒn] n. 结论 draw/come to a ~ 得出结论= reach a ~
93. confess [kən'fɛs] v. 承认, 坦白, 忏悔
~ to (doing) sth. 承认/供认做了(坏事)
94. confidence ['kɑnfɪdəns] n. 信心 have ~ in 对…有信心
confident ['kɑnfɪdənt] adj. 自信的, 确信的 be ~ of 对…有信心
类比:take pride in/be proud of 为…感到骄傲
E.g. We have confidence in fighting against haze. = We are confident of fighting against haze.
95. confront [kən'frʌnt] vt. 使面临, 对抗
be ~ed with 面对,面临 (=face up to)
96. confuse [kən'fjʊz] vt.使迷惑, 使糊涂 confusion [kən'fjʊʒən] n .
~ed, ~ing
E.g. What confused me is that he failed in his entrance examinatio n.
97. congratulate [kən'ɡrætʃulet] vt. 祝贺, 庆贺
~ sb. on sth. E.g. ~ you on your promotion (晋升)
Congratulations 祝贺!
98. considerable [kən'sɪdərəbl] adj. 相当大(或多)的, 相当可观的
considerate [kənˈsɪdərɪt] adj. 考虑周到的, 体谅的
99. construct [kən'strʌkt] vt. 建造, 构造
construction [kən'strʌkʃən] n. under ~ 在建设之中
destruction [dɪ'strʌkʃən] n. 破坏, 毁灭
destroy [dɪ'strɔɪ] v. 毁灭
100. consult [kən'sʌlt] v. 咨询,请教,查阅
~ reference books, dictionary, authority (参考书、字典、权威)
~ with sb. 与…商量
补充:look up 向上看、查阅
look down on/upon 轻视
look after 照顾
101. consume [kən'sʊm] vt. 消耗, 消费= spend
consumer [kən'sumɚ] n. 消费者= customer
consumption [kən'sʌmpʃən] n. 消费, 消费量
补充: sb spend /consume some time/money on sth
............................................................(in) doing sth
E.g. We will spend the rest of life traveling around the world. 我们将花余生去环游世界。
102. content ['kɑntɛnt] n. 内容,目录(pl.) adj. 满足的, 满意的= satisfied
短语:sb be content/happy/ satisfied with... 某人对... 满意
To one’s heart content 尽快地、尽情地
E.g. At the party, they sing and dance to their heart content. 在聚会上,他们尽情唱歌跳舞
103. contrary ['kɑntrɛri] adj. 相反的, 逆的
on the ~ 恰恰相反
104. contact ['kɑntækt] vt./ n. 接触, 联系
contract ['kɑntrækt] n. 合同, 契约; v. 签合同,降低
contrast ['kɑntræst] vi./ n. 对比, 对照
补充: contract : 体积 降低
E.g. It is a common sense that metals contract in cold water. 金属在冷缩是一个常识
105. contribute [kən'trɪbjut] v. 贡献,捐助,投稿 contribution [,kɑntrɪ'bjuʃən] n.~ to sth. 导致 (=lead to)
补充:make a contribution to ... 对...做贡献
E.g. She contributed an article to our magazine 她向我们的杂志社供稿。
result in .... 导致....(结果); result from... 由...引起
106. convince [kən'vɪns] v. 使确信,使信服
~ sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事
(参照 第26个单词)
107. cooperate [ko'ɑpəret] vi. 合作, 协作 ~ with sb. 与…合作
cooperation [ko,ɑpə'reʃən] n. 合作, 协作
corporation [,kɔrpə'reʃən] n. 公司, 企业= firm/ company/ enterprise
补充: operate 运转、操作、经营; 动手术
Operate o n... 给...动手术; operating room 手术室
108. courage [ 'kɝrɪdʒ] n. 勇气, 精神
discourage [dɪs'kɝɪdʒ] vt. 使气馁, 阻碍
encourage [ɪn'kɝrɪdʒ] vt. 鼓励 ~ sb. to do sth.= inspire/motive sb to do sth (参照242/291个单词)
courageous [kə'redʒəs] adj. 勇敢的, 有胆量的= brave
109. critical ['krɪtɪkl] adj. 批评的(源自criticize), 危急的(源自crisis)
比较:crucial ['krʊʃəl] adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的
补充:be critical of /be particular about... 挑剔...
E.g. Children shouldn’t be critical of food. 小孩子不应该挑食。
Emotional crisis 情感危机; financial crisis 金融危机
E.g. It is crucial that..............(should) do .....
110. current ['kɝənt] adj. 当前的,流行的 ~ affairs时事 ~ fashion 流行时尚
n. 电流, 水流, 气流
111. daily ['delɪ] adj. 每日的, 日常的 n. 日报
补充:diary 日记; dairy 奶制品
112. danger ['dendʒɚ] n. 危险, 危险 in ~ 处于危险中 dangerous ['dendʒərəs] adj.
补充:out of danger 脱险 (与384个单词一起记忆)
113. data ['detə] n. 资料, 数据 datum ['detəm](单数)
类似:media ['mi:diə] n. 媒体 medium ['midɪəm](单数)
114. deadline ['dɛdlaɪn] n. 最终期限
115. deaf [dɛf] adj. 聋的
turn a ~ ear to sb./sth. 对…充耳不闻
补充:turn a blind eye to... 对...视而不见
E.g. Teachers shouldn’t have turned a blind eye to pupil’s smoking.
116. deceive [dɪ'siv] v. 欺骗, 行骗
~ sb. into doing sth. 欺骗某人做某事 (=cheat sb. into doing sth.)
117. decide [dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定 ~ to do sth. 决定做某事
decision [dɪ'sɪʒn] n. 决定, 决心 make a ~ to do sth. 决定做某事
decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv] adj. 决定性的 (=crucial) play a ~ role in sth. 在…中起到重要作用 (注:参照451个单词)
118. decrease [dɪ'kris] v. 减少 increase ['ɪnkris]vt. 增加, 加大
补充:decrease by 减少了; decrease to.. 减少到
119. degree [dɪ'ɡri]: to some/a certain degree(extent [ɪk'stɛnt])在某种程度上
120. deliberately [dɪ'lɪbərətli] ad v. 故意地 (= on purpose)= by accident
121. delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的 品牌“得利斯”为音译
122. delight [dɪ'laɪt] n. 快乐, 高兴= pleasure/joy take a ~ /pleasure in 以…为乐 be ~ed to do 高兴去做 补充: to one’s delight 令某人高兴的是...
123. deliver [dɪ'lɪvɚ] vt. 递送, 投递,发表(演说) ~ sth. to sb. 将某物交给某人
~ a message 传话,带信 ~ a speech 发表演说= deliver an address
补充:delivery n.
124. depend [dɪ'pɛnd]vi. 依靠, 依赖 (count on/depend on/rely on 依靠, 指望)
dependent [dɪ'pɛndənt] adj. 依靠的, 依赖的 be ~ on sth.
dependence [dɪ'pɛndəns] n. 依靠, 依赖
independent ['ɪndɪ'pɛndənt] adj. 独立自主的 be independent of... 独立
independence [,ɪndɪ'pɛndəns] n. 独立, 自主
E.g. The company is dependent on the government’s financial help.
125. derive [dɪ'raɪv] vt. 得自,获得 ~ sth. from... e.g. ~ a conclusion from facts
vi. 起源 ~ from... e.g. Many English words ~ from Lati n.
比较:deprive [dɪ'praɪv] vt. 剥夺, 使丧失 ~ sb. of sth.
126. describe [dɪ'skraɪb] vt. 描写, 记述, 形容
description [dɪ'skrɪpʃən] n. 描写, 记述 beyond ~ 难以形容
127. deserve [dɪ'zɝv] vt. 应受, 值得 后接动名词的主动形式,表达被动意义。
e.g. What he did yesterday deservers praising. (他昨天的所作所为值得表扬。)
类似: need/want/require doing (=need/want/require to be done) 主语一定要为sth
128. destination [,dɛstɪ'neʃən] n. 目的地
129. detect [dɪ'tɛkt] vt. 察觉, 发觉, 侦查
detection [dɪ'tɛkʃən] n. 察觉, 发觉
detective [dɪ'tɛktɪv] n. 侦探
130. determine [dɪ'tɝmɪn] v. 决定, 确定 (=decide) ~ to do sth. /be ~ed to do sth.
determination [dɪ,tɝmɪ'neʃən] n. 决定, 决心 make a ~ to do sth.
131. devote [dɪ'vot] vt. 投入于, 献身
~ oneself/one’s life to sth. 致力于,献身于= contribute...to...
~ sth. to sb. 将…献给某人 ~ his new book to his mother
132. difference ['dɪfrəns] n. 差异, 差别
make a ~ 有影响
make no ~ 没有差别,没有影响
133. difficulty ['dɪfɪkəlti] n. 困难, 难点
in ~ 处于困境中
with ~ 困难地,吃力地
have ~/trouble in doing sth. 做某事有困难
134. disappoint ['dɪsə'pɔɪnt] vt. 使失望 ~ ment n. ~ed ~ing
be ~ed with/about sth. 对…感到失望
be ~ed to do sth. 很失望地去做某事
135. disaster [dɪ'zæstɚ] n. 灾难, 天灾, 灾祸
区别:disease 疾病
136. discipline ['dɪsəplɪn] n. 纪律
137. disgust [dɪs'ɡʌst] n./vi. 厌恶, 反感
in ~ 厌恶地
be ~ed with/at 对…感到厌恶= be tired of/ be bored with / be fed up with
E.g. I am bored with / tired of this movie. 我对这部电影感到厌烦。
138. disorder [dɪs'ɔrdɚ] n. 杂乱, 混乱 in ~ 混乱 fall into ~ 陷入混乱
补充:disorder = out of order /in a mess混乱; out of order = break down 抛锚,坏掉
139. display [dɪ'sple] vt. 陈列, 展览 on ~ 在展览中
140. distinguish [dɪ'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] v. 区别, 辨别 ~ A from B 将A和B区分开 (=tell from)
141. distinct [dɪ'stɪŋkt] adj. 清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特be ~ from 与…截然不同
distinction [dɪ'stɪŋkʃən] n. 差别,区别
142. domestic [də'mɛstɪk] adj. 家庭的, 国内的 = home (反:foreign)
补充:home and abroad 国内外 比较aboard: 在船上,在甲板上
143. dominate ['dɑmɪnet] v. 支配, 占优势= control
dominant ['dɑmɪnənt] adj. 占优势的, 支配的
144. dramatic [drə'mætɪk] adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,夸张的
drama ['drɑmə] n. 戏剧= play n.
145. drown [draʊn] v. 溺死, 淹死~ oneself in 埋头于= be engaged in/ be absorbed in/ =be busy with... / be busy (in) doing sth 将156个单词合在一起记忆。
146. ease [iz] n. 安逸, 悠闲 with ~ 容易地 (feel) at ~ 感到舒适
同根词:easy ['izi](容易的, 舒适的), uneasy(不安的,不舒服的, disease [dɪ'ziz](疾病)
147. economic [,ikə'nɑmɪk] adj. 经济(上)的, 经济学的
economical [,ɛkə'nɑmɪkl] adj. 节约的, 经济的
同根词:economy [ɪ'kɑnəmi] economist [ɪ'kɑnəmɪst] 经济学家
补充:economics 经济学
148. edge [ɛdʒ] n. 利刃, 边缘on the ~ of 在…的边缘
149. eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪnet] vt. 排除, 消除 (=get rid of, remove)
150. embarrass [ɪm'bærəs] vt. 使困窘同根词:~ment, ~ed, ~ing
151. emerge [ɪ'mɝdʒ] vi. 出现, 浮现 emergency [ɪ'mɝdʒənsi] n. 紧急情况, 突然事件 emergent [ɪ'mɝdʒənt] adj. 紧急的
补充:it is emergent / it is of emergency that....................(should) do
152. emotion [ɪ'moʃən] n. 情绪, 情感emotional adj. 情绪的, 情感的,情绪化的 ~ crisis, person
153. emphasis ['ɛmfəsɪs] n. 强调, 重点 put/lay/place great/much ~ on 看重,着重
emphasize ['ɛmfəsaɪz] v.
154. employ [ɪm'plɔɪ] vt. 雇用
同根词:employer [ɪm'plɔɪɚ](雇主)/employee [ɪm'plɔɪi](雇员)
employment [ɪm'plɔɪmənt](就业)/unemployment [,ʌnɪm'plɔɪmənt](失业)
155. encounter [ɪn'kaʊntɚ] v. 遭遇, 遇到= run into / come across. (参照 第4个单词)
156. engage [ɪn'ɡedʒ] vt. 使从事于, 使参加;订婚
be engaged in 从事于, 忙于 (=be absorbed in)
补充:propose (求婚); engage (订婚);marry(结婚)
157. enhance [ɪn'hæns] vt. 提高, 增强 (+ value, beauty, or reputation)
158. enormous [ɪ'nɔrməs] adj. 巨大的, 庞大的
160. entertain [,ɛntɚ'ten] vt. 娱乐, 招待entertainment ['ɛntɚ'tenmənt] n. 款待, 娱乐
补充:= recreation/ amusement 娱乐
161. enthusiasm [ɪn'θuzɪæzəm] n. 热情, 热心, 积极性 ~ for sth. 对…有热情
补充:hospitality 热情好客 ( n.)
enthusiastic [ɪn,θuzɪ'æstɪk] adj. 热心的, 热情的 (反)indifferent 冷漠的;
162. environment [ɪn'vaɪrənmənt] n. 环境, 外界= surroundings
163. equivalent [ɪ'kwɪvələnt] adj. 相等的, 相当的
be ~ to 相当于,等同于 e.g. The British Parliament is ~ to American Congress.
164. equip [ɪ'kwɪp] vt. 装备, 配备 be equipped with 装备, 配备 equipment n. 装 备, 设备
e.g. We should be equipped with knowledge. 应该用知识武装自己
165. era [ 'iərə ] n. 时代, 纪元 information ~ 信息时代 a new ~ 新纪元
167. essential [ɪ'sɛnʃl] adj. 必要的,必须的,本质的
注意:It is ~ that...句型中的从句中需要使用should型虚拟语气。
168. establish [ɪˈstæblɪʃ] vt. 建立, 设立 = build /set up / found
169. estimate ['ɛstə,met] v. 估计, 估价
~ at 估计…达到 e.g. We estimated his income at $9,000 a year.
170. eventually [ɪ'vɛntʃuəli] ad v. 最后, 终于 (=finally, at last, ultimately)
171. evidence ['ɛvɪdəns] n. 明显, 证据 evident ['ɛvɪdənt] adj. 明显的, 显然的
(=obvious ['ɑbvɪəs])
E.g. It is an evidence that.................. (同位语从句)
172. exact [ɪɡ'zækt] adj. 精确的, 准确的 to be ~ 确切地
区别:accurate:(允许有一定的误差) precise(极小误差,常用于精密仪器) perfect 完美的; exact (丝毫不差的准确)
E.g. Weather report is usually accurate.
173. exchange [ɪks'tʃendʒ] vt./ n. 交换, 调换 in ~ for 交换
174. exclude [ɪk'sklʊd] vt. 把...排除在外, 排斥 include vt. 包括, 包含
补充:ex -- 外; e.g. export 出口; import 进口 (参照 第178个单词)
ex---前; ex-wife 前妻
175. executive [ɪɡ'zɛkjətɪv] adj. 实行的, 执行的, 行政的 CEO = chief executive officer (首席执行官)
176. exhausted [ɪɡ'zɔstɪd] adj. 疲劳的, 疲惫的 (=tired, worn out)
177. expense [ɪk'spɛns] n. 费用, 代价 expensive adj. at one’s ~ 牺牲某人
at the ~ of 以…为代价 (=at the cost of)
178. export [ɪk'spɔrt] n./ v. 出口 import n./ v. 进口
179. facility [fə'sɪləti] n. 便利, (pl.)设备 teaching facilities 教学设施
补充:living facilities 生活设施
180. factor ['fæktɚ] n. 因素, 要素
181. fame [fem] n. 名声, 名望 (=reputation名誉, 名声)
famous ['feməs] adj. 著名的, 出名的 be ~ for 因…而出名
补充: be ~ as 做为...而出名
be ~ to 对...而出名
182. familiar [fə'mɪljɚ] adj. 熟悉的, 常见的
be ~ with sth./sb. 熟悉,精通 be ~ to sb. 为某人所熟知
E.g. Her face is familiar to me, but I can’t remember her.
183. fancy ['fænsi] vt. 想象 n. 爱好 take a ~ to sth. 喜欢上某物 have a ~ for sth. 爱 好某物= be fond of
184. fashion ['fæʃən] n. 流行, 风尚 be in ~ 正在流行 be out of ~ 不再流行
fashionable ['fæʃnəbl] adj. 流行的, 时髦的
补充:after the fashion of... 依照
185. fatal ['fetl] adj. 致命的, 重大的 (=deadly,mortal ['mɔrtl])
补充: 比较 moral n. 道德
186. fault [fɔlt] n. 过错, 缺点 find ~ with sb. 挑某人的错= be critical of / be particular about
187. fetch [fɛtʃ] vt. (去)拿来, (去)取来 ~ a doctor 去请医生
比较: take带走 bring带来
188. fierce [fɪrs] adj.猛烈的, 激烈的,热烈的 ~ competition
= intense 激烈的 比较intensive adj. 加强的,集中的
189. figure ['fɪɡjɚ] n. 外形, 数字, 人物 ~ out 计算出,弄明白
补充:figure n. 身材 slim ~ 苗条身材
figure out = work out/solve 计算出,弄明白
190. flexible ['flɛksəbl] adj. 灵活的
191. fluent ['fluənt] adj. 流利的, 流畅的fluency n.
192. forbid [fɚ'bɪd] vt. 禁止, 不许 ~ sb. to do sth. 禁止/不许某人做某事
~ sth. 禁止某事 e.g. ~ smoking on trains
补充: Permit/allow/forbid doing sth
Permit/allow/forbid sb to do sth
Sb be allowed/permitted/ forbidden to do sth
(参照 第317个单词) 拓:forbid---forbade ---forbidden 禁止
193. forgive [fɚ'ɡɪv] vt. 原谅, 饶恕 ~ and forget 不计前嫌
194. formal ['fɔrml] adj. 正式的 informal adj. 非正式的 比较:former ['fɔrmɚ] adj. 从前的, 以前的
补充:the former............the latter...........前者...后者...
latest the ~ news 最近的,最新的
later 之后 2 days ~ = in 2 days
lately ad v. 近来
195. fortune ['fɔrtʃən] n. 财富, 运气 make a ~ 发财 同根词:fortunate, unfortunate, ~ly
196. frank [fræŋk] adj. 坦白的, 率直的
to be ~ 坦白地说 (=frankly speaking)
197. frustrate ['frʌstret] v. 挫败,使沮丧 frustration n. ~ing ~ed
198. fulfill [ful'fil] vt. 履行, 实现, 完成 ~ the task, mission, promise
199. furniture ['fɝnɪtʃɚ] n. 家具(总称) 一件家具:a piece of ~
200. generate ['dʒɛnəret]vt. 产生, 发生 = take place
201. generous ['dʒɛnərəs] adj. 慷慨的, 大方的 generosity [,dʒɛnə'rɑsəti] n.
202. genius ['dʒinjəs] n. 天才, 天赋 (=talent, gift)
203. genuine ['dʒɛnjʊɪn] adj. 真的, 真正的 ~ leather 真皮(反:artificial [,ɑrtɪ'fɪʃl] adj. 人造的, 假的)
204. giant ['dʒaɪənt] n. 巨人 adj. 庞大的, 巨大的 音译商标:奇安特(运动鞋),捷安特 (自行车)
205. glory ['ɡlɔri] n. 荣誉, 光荣glorious ['ɡlɔriəs] adj. 光荣的, 显赫的
206. grace [ɡres] n. 优美, 雅致, 优雅graceful adj. 优美的
207. gratitude ['ɡrætɪtud] n. 感激,谢意 show ~ for sb. 向…表示谢意
= be grateful to sb for sth / thank sb for sth / appreciate doing sth
E.g. She is grateful to the police for their help.
208. greedy ['gridi] adj. 贪吃的, 贪婪的 be ~ for sth. 对…贪心
209. guarantee [,ɡærən'ti] n./vt. 保证, 担保,保证书
210. guard [ɡɑrd] n. 守卫 vt. 保卫, 看守 be on ~ 看守 ~ against 预防
211. guide [ɡaɪd] n.导游, 向导 vt. 指导, 带领 guidance ['gaɪdns] n. 指导, 领导 under the ~ of 在…的指导下
212. guilty ['ɡɪlti] adj.有罪的, 内疚的 innocent ['ɪnəsnt] adj. 清白的, 无罪的, 天真 的
213. habit ['hæbɪt] n. 习惯, 习性 get into the ~ of 养成…的习惯
补充:break off a habit 改掉...习惯
214. halt [hɔlt] n./vt. 停止, 暂停, 中断 come to a ~ 停下来
215. handle ['hændl] n. 把手 vt. 处理(=deal with), 操作
Handle= deal with / do with/ cope with /dispose of/ tackle 处理(和 第427个单词一起 记忆)
216. haste [hest] n. 匆忙, 急忙
in ~ 急速地,草率地欲速则不达: More haste, less speed. 或 Haste makes waste.
补充: hurry up 、in a hurry赶紧; in no hurry 不慌不忙
217. hatred ['hetrɪd] n. 憎恨, 仇恨 hate v.
218. hesitate ['hɛzɪtet] v. 犹豫, 踌躇 ~ to do sth. 对做某事犹豫不决
~ about doing sth. 对做某事犹豫不决
同根词: hesitation [,hɛzə'teʃən] n. hesitant ['hɛzɪtənt] adj.
219. highlight ['haɪlaɪt] n. 最精彩、最重要的部分
220. honor [ˈɑnər] n. 尊敬, 敬意 in ~ of 向…表示敬意 honorable ['ɑnərəbəl] adj. 荣誉 的, 光荣的
221. hostile ['hɑstl] adj. 敌对的, 敌方的 be ~ to 对…有敌意= unfriendly
222. humble ['hʌmbl] adj. 卑微的, 谦逊的e.g. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud. (知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。)
223. humor ['hju:mə] n. 幽默, 诙谐 humorous ['hjumərəs] adj. 幽默的,滑稽的, 诙谐的
补充:幽默感:sense of humor / humorous sense ; 方向感:sense of direction
224. hunt [hʌnt] v. 打猎, 搜索, 搜寻 go hunting 打猎 job hunting 找工作
hunt for a job 找工作 (=seek a job)
225. ideal [aɪ'diəl] adj. 理想的, 完美的 (=perfect)
226. identify [aɪ'dɛntɪfaɪ] vt. 识别, 鉴别 identification [aɪˌdentɪfɪ'keʃn] n. 辨认, 鉴定
identity [aɪ'dɛntəti] n. 身份 ID card 身份证
227. idle ['aɪdl] adj. 空闲的, 懒惰的 vi. 虚度, 闲散 ~ away 虚度光阴
补充:~ about 闲逛
228. ignore [ɪɡ'nɔr] vt. 不理睬, 忽视 (=take no notice of,neglect)
ignorance ['ɪɡnərəns] n. 无知 ignorant ['ɪɡnərənt] adj. 无知的
(与 第296个单词一起记忆)
229. illustrate ['ɪləstret] vt. 举例说明, 图解 illustration [,ɪlə'streʃən] n. 说明,图解
230. imitate ['ɪmɪtet] vt. 模仿, 仿效 imitation n.
231. imply [ɪm'plai] vt. 暗示, 意 implication ['ɪmplɪ'keʃən] n. 含意, 暗示
232. impose [ɪm'poz] vt.强加, 征税 ~ sth. on sb. 将…强加于= force ...o n...
e.g. ~ a heavy tax on peasants 在农民身上强加税收
be in force 生效 ; by force 靠武力
233. impress [ɪm'prɛs] vt. 盖印, 留下印象 impression [ɪm'prɛʃən] n. 印象
leave a (good/bad) ~ on sb. 给某人留下(好/坏)印象
234. incline [ɪn'klaɪn] n. 斜坡 vt. 使倾向 be inclined to sth. 倾向于(观点)
inclination ['ɪnklə'neʃən] n. 倾向, 爱好= hobby
235. individual [,ɪndɪ'vɪdʒuəl] n. 个人, 个体 adj. 个别的, 单独的
236. infect [ɪn'fɛkt] vt. 传染, 感染 infection n. 传染, 感染
infectious [ɪn'fɛkʃəs] adj. 有传染性的, 易传染的 ~ diseases 传染病
237. inferior [ɪn'fɪrɪɚ] adj. 下等的, 下级的 (表示比较时,介词用to,而不用than。)
superior [su'pɪrɪɚ] adj. 较高的, 上级的
be superior/inferior to....
238. inform [ɪn'fɔrm] v. 通知, 告诉
~ sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 keep sb. well informed of sth. 让某人随时了解某事
239. initial [ɪ'nɪʃəl] adj. 最初的, 词首的
240. injure ['ɪndʒɚ] vt. 损害, 伤害 指对人的身体造成的伤害。
hurt [hɝt] 指对人的身体或精神造成的伤害。
damage ['dæmɪdʒ] 指损坏某物,但可以修复 destroy 强调彻底毁掉,无法恢复
补充:ruin 破坏(无法修复); spoil 破坏、宠坏(+抽象内容);wound 刀伤、枪伤
241. insight ['ɪn'saɪt] n. 洞察力, 见识 ~ into sth. 对…的洞察力
242. inspire [ɪn'spaɪɚ] vt. 鼓舞, 使产生灵感
~ sb. to do sth. 鼓舞/激励某人做某事 inspiration [,ɪnspə'reʃən] n. 灵感
243. install [ɪn'stɔl] vt. 安装,设置
244. instance ['ɪnstəns] n. 实例,事例 for instance/example 比如,例如 比较:such as
补充: set a good example to/for sb 为...树立了好榜样
Take.....for example 以...为例
245. instinct ['ɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能,直觉 by/on ~ 凭本能,凭直觉
246. insult [ɪn'sʌlt] vt. 侮辱, 凌辱
区别:consult 咨询;查阅
247. intellectual [,ɪntə'lɛktʃuəl] adj. 智力的 n. 知识分子 intelligence [ɪn'tɛlɪdʒəns] n. 智力, 智能
IQ = intelligence quotient ['kwoʃnt] 智商 EQ = emotional quotient 情商
248. interfere [,ɪntɚ'fɪr] vi. 干涉, 干预 ~ with 干涉
intervene [,ɪntɚ'vin] vi. 干涉, 调停,斡旋 ~ to prevent a fight
249. interval ['ɪntɚvl] n. 间隔, 距离 at ~s 每隔一段时间(距离)
at the ~ of (five days, three meters, etc.) 每隔…的时间(距离)
250. interview ['ɪntɚvju] vt. 接见, 面试 interviewer ['ɪntɚvjuɚ] 采访者,记者;面试官
interviewee [,ɪntɚvju'i] 接受采访者;参加面试者
251. introduce [ˌɪntrə'dus] vt. 介绍, 引进~
... to ... 将…介绍给 ~ sth. into spl. 将…引入/传入某地
补充:introduction make an ~ about/of ... 对...做介绍
252. invest [ɪn'vɛst] v. 投资,投入~ (time, money)in 投资
253. investigate [ɪn'vɛstɪɡet] v. 调查, 研究 (=look into)investigation n.
254. involve [ɪn'vɑlv] vt. 使卷入,牵~ sb. in sth. 使卷入,牵涉 be ~ed in 卷入,牵涉入
255. isolate ['aɪsəlɪt] vt. 使隔离, 使孤立 ~ ... from... 使…与…隔离 (=separate from)
isolation n. 隔绝, 孤立 isolated adj. 隔离的,孤立的
256. jealous ['dʒɛləs] adj. 嫉妒的, 猜疑的 be ~ of 对…嫉妒
257. joint [dʒɔɪnt] n. 接合处,关节
adj. 共同的, 联合的 ~ venture 合资企业 ~ efforts 共同努力
(与 第293个单词一起记忆)
258. justice ['dʒʌstɪs] n. 正义, 正当 just [dʒʌst] adj. 正义的, 公正的
justify ['dʒʌstə'fai] v. 证明...是正当的
be justified in doing sth. 有理由做某事
259. keen [kin] adj. 热心的, 渴望的 be ~ on 喜爱= be fond of
260. launch [lɔntʃ] vt. 发射, 发起 ~ a missile, satellite, rocket 发射导弹、卫星、火箭
~ an attack 发动进攻 ~ into doing sth. 开始从事某事 比较:lunch 午餐
补充:set out to do sth / set about doing sth 开始做...
261. legal ['ligl] adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的 illegal [ɪ'ligl] adj. 违法的
比较:lawful unlawful
262. leisure ['liʒɚ] n. 空闲, 闲暇, 悠闲 at one’s ~ 有空,闲暇时 ~ activity 休闲活动
补充:spare : adj. 多余的 ~ time ;
v. 抽出 ~ time to do sth 抽时间做...
spare no efforts to do sth 不遗余力做...
263. lest [lɛst] conj. 唯恐, 以免 (=for fear that)/ in case
e.g. He tiptoed lest the guard should find him. 他踮起脚走路,以免守卫发现他。
264. liable ['laɪəbl] adj. 易于...的, 有...倾向的, 很有可能的 be ~ to do sth. 易于...的
e.g. Everyone is ~ to make mistakes when he is tired. 疲劳时易于犯错误。
补充: tend to do sth 倾向于...
E.g. Many parents tend to favor state enterprise. 许多父母更倾向于青睐国企。
265. license ['laɪsns] n. 执照, 许可证 business ~ 营业执照 driving ~ 驾驶执照
266. lie [lai] vi. 躺 (lay, lain); v. 说谎 (lied, lied)
lie in 在于 e.g. Happiness lies in hard work.
补充:躺: lie ----lay ---lain ---lying
撒谎:lie ---lied---lied ---lying
放置/产卵:lay--laid ---laid --laying
267. local ['lokl] adj. 地方的, 当地的, 局部的
~ government 当地政府 local pain 局部疼痛
268. locate [lo'ket] vt. 定位, 使...坐落于, 位于
be ~d in 坐落于,位于 location n. 位置
269. lonely ['lonli] adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的 (侧重主观感受,心理上的)
alone [ə'lon] adj. 单独的, 独自的 (侧重客观情况)
e.g. He is alone, but he is not lonely because he has a lot of friends.
270. loyal ['lɔɪəl] adj. 忠诚的, 忠心(比较:royal 皇室的) be ~ to 忠诚于 loyalty n. 忠诚
271. lucky ['lʌki] adj. 幸运的, 吉祥的 lucky dog 幸运儿 luck n. 幸运,运气
补充: love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌 ;each dog has its day. 风水轮流转
272. maintain [men'ten] vt. 维持, 维修, 主张 maintenance ['mentənəns] n.
补充:sb maintain = sb think 认为...
273. major ['medʒɚ] adj. 主要的,较大的 majority [mə'dʒɔrəti] n. 多数, 大半
比较:minor ['maɪnɚ] adj. 较小的, 次要的 minority [maɪ'nɔrəti] n. 少数
补充:major n. 专业; v. 主修 major in ....
274. manage ['mænɪdʒ]vt. 管理, 设法
~ to do 设法并成功做到 比较:try to do 尽力去做,结果未知
attempt to do去做自己希望会成功的事,常常包含冒险的意义。
management n. 经营, 管理 manager ['mænɪdʒɚ] n. 经理
275. manufacture ['mænjə'fæktʃɚ] vt. 制造, 加工= make / produce
276. mature [mə'tʃʊr] adj. 成熟的,泛指动植物的成熟。
ripe [raɪp] adj. 成熟的,主要指果实和作物的成熟。
277. measure ['mɛʒɚ] vt.测量 n.测量, 措施 take ~s to do sth. 采取措施做某事
take ~s against sth. 采取措施反对某事
补充: adopt steps/ measures to do sth 采取措施做....
adopt: 采取,应用; 收养
278. memory ['mɛməri] n. 记忆, 记忆力 in ~ of 纪念
memorial [mə'morɪəl] adj. 记念的, 记忆的
279. mental ['mɛntl] adj. 精神的, 智力的 physical ['fɪzɪkl] adj. 身体的, 物理的
补充:ad v. mentally ; physically ; psychologically 心理上
280. mention ['mɛnʃən] vt. 提及, 说起 not to ~ 更不用说,更不用提= let alone
281. mercy ['mɝsi] n. 仁慈, 宽恕, 怜悯 at the ~ of 任…处理,任…摆布
show ~ to sb. 对…表示怜悯 have ~ on sb. 怜悯,宽恕
282. miracle ['mɪrəkl] n. 奇迹
283. miserable ['mɪzrəbl] adj. 痛苦的, 悲惨的 misery ['mɪzəri] n. 痛苦, 悲惨
284. mislead ['mɪs'lid] vt. 误导,把…引入岐途
前缀mis-意为“错误的”,如misunderstand, misspell, mistake
285. mission ['mɪʃən] n. 使命, 任务 on a ~ 负有使命
286. mobile ['mobaɪl] adj. 可移动的 ~ phone 移动电话,手机= cellphone
287. moderate ['mɑdərət] adj. 中等的, 适度的, 适中的
288. modest ['mɑdɪst] adj. 谦虚的, 谦让的/= humble
289. mood [mud] n. 心情, 情绪 in a good/bad ~ 心情好/不好
290. moral ['mɔrəl] adj. 道德(上)的 比较:mortal ['mɔrtl] adj. 必死的, 致命的
291. motivate ['motə'vet] v. 激发 ~ sb. to do sth. 激励某人去做某事
motive ['motɪv] n. 动机, 目的
292. multiply ['mʌltɪplaɪ] v. 繁殖, 乘, 增加
multiple ['mʌltəpl] adj. 多样的, 多重的 ~ choice 多项选择题
multi- 多的 multimedia多媒体
293. mutual ['mjutʃuəl] adj. 相互的, 共有的 ~ respect 相互尊敬
294. mystery [ˈmɪstəri] n. 神秘, 神秘的事物 mysterious [mɪ'stɪrɪəs] adj. 神秘的
295. negative ['nɛɡətɪv] adj. 否定的, 消极的 positive ['pɑzətɪv] adj. 肯定的, 积极的
296. neglect [nɪ'glɛkt] vt. 忽视, 疏忽 ~ one’s duty 玩忽职守abuse one’s power 滥用职权
297. negotiate [nɪ'ɡoʃɪet] v. 商议, 谈判 ~ with sb. about/over/on sth. 与某人谈判某事
~ sb. into doing sth. 通过谈判使某人做某事
298. neutral ['nʊtrəl] adj. 中立的, 中性的
299. normal ['nɔrml] adj. 正常的, 正规的 abnormal [æb'nɔrml] adj. 反常的, 异常的 =extraordinary
300. novel [ˈnɑːvl] n. 小说, 长篇故事 adj. 新奇的, 新颖的
301. object ['ɑbdʒɛkt] n. 物体, 目标, 对象 vi. 反对, 抗议 ~ to (doing) sth. 反对做某 事
302. oblige [ə'blaɪdʒ] vt. 迫使,感激 ~ sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事 (=force sb. to do sth.)
be obliged to sb. for sth. 因某事感谢某人 (=thank sb. for sth.)
obligation [,ɑblɪ'ɡeʃən] n. 义务, 责任 be under an ~ to do sth. 有做某事的义务
303. observe [əb'zɝv] vt. 观察, 遵守,庆祝
~ a child’s behavior 观察孩子的行为
~ the terms of a contract 遵守合同的条款 ~ an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念日
304. odd [ɑd] adj. 奇数的, 单只的,奇怪的
at odds with 与…不一致 odds and ends 零星杂物 odd job 零活
305. oppose [ə'poz] v. 反对, 反抗
be opposed to sth. 反对,使相对
opposition ['ɑpə'zɪʃən] n. 反对, 敌对
opposite ['ɑpəzət] adj. 相对的, 对面的 on the ~ side of 在…对面
opponent [ə'ponənt] n. 对手, 反对者= rival
306. original [ə'rɪdʒənl] adj. 最初的, 原创的,新颖的= novel
~ idea 独到的见解 ~ painting 原画(真迹) origin n. 起源, 由来, 出身
307. overcome [,ovɚ'kʌm] vt. 战胜, 克服 ~ the difficulty, obstacle, etc
308. owe [o] vt. 欠(债等), 把...归功于
~... to... 将…归功于… e.g. ~ his success to good luck
owing to 由于,因为= due to / on account of..
比较:ascribe...to.... 把...归咎于...
309. pace [pes] n. 步, 步调, 步法
keep ~ with 与…同步(=keep up with) keep ~ with the times 与时俱进
set the ~ 起带头作用
补充:常见的含up with 的短语
come up with =提出,想出,设计出= advance / raise
put up with 容忍 = tolerate /bear
be fed up with 厌倦
310. pain [pen] n. 痛苦, 疼痛
take ~s to do sth./in doing sth. 努力地/不辞劳苦地做某事
No ~s, no gains. 不劳无获。 painful adj. 疼痛的= bitter
311. participate [pɑr'tɪsə'pet] vi. 参与, 参加 ~ in 参与,参加
participation [pɑr,tɪsɪ'peʃən] n. 参与, 参加 participant [pɑr'tɪsəpənt] n. 参与者
补充:participate in = join in / take part in/ attend
312. particular [pɚ'tɪkjəlɚ] adj. 特殊的, 特别的, 独特的
in ~ 特别,尤其 be ~ about sth. 对…挑剔的
313. passion ['pæʃən] n. 激情, 热情
have a ~ for sth. 喜爱 get/fly into a ~ 大怒(=fly into a rage)
314. passive ['pæsɪv] adj. 被动的 active ['æktɪv] adj. 积极的, 主动的
315. peculiar [pɪ'kjulɪɚ] adj. 特有的, 特殊的
be ~ to 为…所特有 e.g. Language is ~ to mankind.
316. permanent ['pɝmənənt] adj. 永久的, 持久的 =everlasting
补:(反)temporary 短暂的 (参照 第430个单词)
317. permit [pɚ'mɪt] v. 许可, 允许 ~ sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
318. persist in doing sth. 坚持做某事(动作) persist [pɚ'sɪst]
stick to (a rule, regulation) 坚持,信守(原则性的事物) stick [stɪk]
insist on (one’s idea, opinion) 坚持(观点,看法) insist [ɪn'sɪst]
319. persuade [pɚ'swed] v. 说服, 劝说
~ sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果) 比较:advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作)
~ sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 ~ sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事
320. pleasure [ˈplɛʒɚ]] n. 愉快, 快乐
with ~ 高兴地,快乐地 take a ~ in 以…为乐 for ~ 为了取乐
321. popular ['pɑpjəlɚ] adj. 流行的, 受欢迎的 be ~ with sb. 受…的欢迎
322. portable ['pɔrtəbl] adj. 轻便的, 便携式的 ~ computer 便携式电脑,手提电脑
323. postpone [po'spon] vt. 推迟, 延迟 (= put off)
补充:delay/ postpone
324. potential [pə'tɛnʃl] adj. 潜在的, 可能的 n. 潜能, 潜力
325. pray [pre] v. 祈祷, 恳求 ~ for sb. 为…祈祷 ~ sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做某事
326. precious ['prɛʃəs] adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的
补充:priceless treasure 无价之宝;worthless works 一文不值的作品
327. precise [prɪ'saɪs] adj. 精确的, 准确的
328. predict [prɪ'dɪkt] v. 预知, 预言
prediction [prɪ'dɪkʃən] n. 预言, 预报
329. preference ['prɛfrəns] n. 偏爱, 优先选择
have/show a ~ for sth. 偏爱
in ~ to 优先于 e.g. She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.
330. prevent [pri'vɛnt] v. 防止, 预防
~ sb. from doing sth. 阻止 (=keep... from..., stop...from..., prohibit...from...)
prevention n. 预防, 防止
331. previous ['privɪəs] adj. 在前的, 早先的 ~ to sth. 在…之前
332. principle ['prɪnsəpl] n. 原则, 原理 in ~ 原则上
比较:principal ['prɪnsəpl] n. 负责人, 校长 adj. 主要的, 首要的
333. private ['praɪvət] adj. 私人的, 秘密的 in ~ 私下里,秘密地
补充: in public 公众; confident adj. 自信的; confidential 机密的
334. proceed [pro'sid] vi. 进行, 继续下去
~ to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)(=go on to do)
~ with sth. 继续进行(同一件事)(= go on with)
335. promise ['prɑmɪs] vt./ n. 允诺, 答应, 许诺 ~ to do sth. 承诺做某事
break/carry out/keep/make a ~ 违背诺言/履行诺言/遵守诺言/做出承诺
336. promote [prə'mot] vt. 促进, 发扬, 晋升 ~ sales 促销 promotion n.
337. prompt [prɑmpt] vt. 敦促,促使 ~ sb. to do sth. 敦促某人做某事
adj. 迅速的, 即时的 ~ delivery 限时送达
338. protect [prə'tɛkt] vt. 保护
~ sb. from/against sth. 使…免遭… e.g. ~ the child from being hurt
protection n. 保护
339. protest ['protɛst] n./ v. 抗议
~ against/about sth. 抗议,反对
340. provide [prə'vaɪd] v. 供应, 供给
~ sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物
~ sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物
341. punctual ['pʌtʃʊəl] adj. 守时的, 准时的
342. pursue [pə'sʊ] vt. 追赶, 追求, 从事
pursuit [pɚ'sut] n. 追求,追逐 in ~ of sth.
343. qualify [ˈkwɑləˌfaɪ] v. (使)具有资格
~ sb. for sth. 使某人具有做某事的资格
be qualified for sth. 有做某事的资格
qualification [,kwɑlɪfɪ'keʃən] n. 资格, 条件
qualified ['kwɑlə'faɪd] adj. 有资格的,合格的
345. quality ['kwɑləti] n. 质量, 品质, 性质
quantity ['kwɑntəti] n. 量, 数量 in ~ 大量的,很多 a ~ of/quantities of 大量
346. quit [kwɪt] vi. 离开, 辞职, 停止 vt. 离开, 退出, 停止 ~ (doing) sth.
347. random ['rændəm] adj. 随机的, 随便的
at ~ 随机的, 随便地
348. range [rendʒ] v. 在…范围内变动
~ from... to... 在从…到…的范围内变动
补充:shift/vary from....to...
349. rate [ret] n. 比率, 速度
at any ~ 无论如何 at this ~ 照这样下去
350. raw [rɔ] adj. 未加工的 ~ material 原材料
351. react [ri'ækt] vi. 起反应, 起作用 ~ to sth. 对…做出反应 reaction n.
同义:respond, response
352. reasonable ['riznəbl] adj. 合理的, 有道理的
353. recommend ['rɛkə'mɛnd] vt. 推荐, 介绍, 劝告
在recommend + that从句表示“建议”或在it is recommended that句型中,从句动词需要采用should型虚拟语气。 recommendation n.
354. recover [rɪ'kʌvɚ] vt. 重新获得, 恢复 recovery [rɪ'kʌvəri] n. 痊愈,恢复
355. reduce [rɪ'dʊs] vt. 减少, 缩小 reduction [rɪ'dʌkʃən] n.
356. reflect [rɪ'flɛkt] v. 反射, 反映 reflection [rɪ'flɛkʃən] n.
357. reform [rɪ'fɔrm] vt./ n. 改革, 改善 ~ and opening policy 改革开放政策
358. refuse [ri'fjʊz] v. 拒绝, 谢绝 ~ to do sth. 拒绝去做某事
比较:reject [rɪ'dʒɛkt] vt. 拒绝, 抵制 reject sth. = refuse to accept sth.
补充:refuse 直接拒绝; decline 婉言拒绝; reject 拒绝+反对 turn down拒绝
359. regardless of [rɪ'ɡɑrdləs] 不管,不顾 (=in spite of = despite)
360. regulate ['rɛɡjulet] vt. 管理, 控制, 调节 regulation n. 管理,规章
361. regular ['rɛgjəlɚ] adj. 规则的, 经常的, 定期的 irregular [ɪ'rɛɡjəlɚ] adj. 不规则的, 无规律的
362. relate [rɪ'let] vt. 叙述, 使联系 ~ to 和…有联系 ~ ... with/to... 将…与…联系起来
363. relax [rɪ'læks] vi. 放松, 休息
364. release [rɪ'lis] vt. 释放, 发表
365. relieve [rɪ'liv] vt. 减轻, 救济
~ sb. of sth. 减轻,缓解 e.g. ~ you of your pain 缓解疼痛 relief n. 减轻, 救济
366. religion [rɪ'lɪdʒən] n. 宗教, 信仰
religious [rɪ'lɪdʒəs] adj. 虔诚的, 宗教的
367. reluctant [rɪ'lʌktənt] adj. 不情愿的, 勉强的
be ~ to do sth. (= be unwilling to do)
368. remark [rɪ'mɑrk] v./ n. 谈论,评论
~ on sth. 谈论,评论某事 make ~s on/about 发表关于…的评论
remarkable [rɪ'mɑrkəbl] adj. 不平常的, 非凡的 be ~ for 以…著称
369. remedy ['rɛmədi] n. 治疗, 补救
370. remind vt. 提醒,使想起 1)~sb of sth 使某人想起某事
E.g. His words remind me of my childhood. 他的话使我想起了我的童年。
拓展: remind = call up 使想起
2) ~ sb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事
371. remote adj. 遥远的,偏僻的 = distant / rural* 区别rumor 谣言
372. replace vt. 取代,替换 = take the place of 区别 take place 发生
replace A with B 用B取代A (注意翻译)
373. represent v. 代表,象征 = stand for / on behalf of
representative n. 代表; adj. 典型的
374. rescue come/go to one’s ~ 来/去救助某人
~ sb from… 把某人从...中救出来
375. resemble vt. 象,类似= be like / be similar to sb...
区别 assemble 集合、汇集
376. resort vi. 求助,诉诸 ~ to sth = appeal to sth/turn to sb for help
376. resist vt. 抵抗,反抗 ~ doing sth 忍住...
~ the temptation of (doing) sth 挡住...的诱惑
拓展:can’t help doing sth 情不自禁做...
377. responsible adj. 有责任的,负责的 be ~ for sth 对... 负责
E.g. Parents should be ~ for their children’ s crime.
N. responsibility 责任,职责 = duty
378. resume n. 履历,简历
Vt. 再继续,重新开始 ~ doing sth.
379/380/381/382/383 属于阅读理解词汇,见了认识即可
384. Risk vt. 冒...的风险 n. 风险 at risk = in danger 处于危险之中;out of danger 脱 险;at the risk of (doing) sth 冒着...的风险 run the risk of (doing) sth ; risk doing sth 冒险做...
385. routine n. 例行公事,常规 adj. 常规的,日常的 (阅读词汇)
386. rural adj.乡下的,农村的= countryside
suburban 市郊,郊区 subway 地铁
387. sake for the ~ of = for one’s sake 为了...着想,为了...缘故
388. scale n. 比例,天平 in ~ 按比例 on a large ~ 大规模的
389. schedule n.时间表,进度表,日程安排= agenda
on ~ 按时; ahead of ~ = in advance 提前 behind ~ = lag behind 落后
390. secure adj. 安全的,放心的 = safe
反:insecure = unsafe n. security 安全
391. separate ~.....from= isolate...from... 分开
392. series a ~ of 一系列 in ~ 连续地
393. serve vt. 为...服务;招待 ~ the people heart and soul 全心全意为人民服务
service n. 服务
394. severe adj. 严重的,严厉的,严格的 = strict/serious
be strict with sb 对某人要求严格; be strict in doing sth 对做...很严格
395. shake v. 摇动,颤抖 ~ hands 握手; ~ one’s head 摇头
396. shame n. 羞愧,羞辱 it is a shame/pity/an emergency that .......(should) do
397. share vt. 分享,均分 n. 共享 ~ sth with sb 与....分享
E.g. Share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦
market shares 市场份额
398. shelter n. 掩蔽,保护,庇护所
give ~ to (介) 庇护 take ~ 避难
399. significance n. 意义,重要性; significant adj. 重要的
be + adj. = be of + n.
It is significant= it is of significance that.......(Should) do/ be done
400. similar adj. 相似的;类似的 be ~ to..(介).
401. sincere adj. 真诚的,诚挚的 Yours sincerely ; give ~ regards to sb 转达诚挚的问候
402. situation get into a difficult ~ 陷入困境 = dilemma 困境
get out of a difficult ~ 摆脱 困境
403. smart = wise/intelligent 聪明的 区别:diligent 勤奋的
404. smooth adj. 平坦的= flat (平坦的; n. 公寓= apartment)
405. solve = do with/deal with/ cope with/ dispose of / tackle / handle 处理
solution find a solution/way/approach to.... (介)找到解决问题的方法
406. spare 参照262个单词
407. specific adj. 特有的(=peculiar),具体的=(definite)
拓展:special 特殊的 specification n. 规格
408、409、410 属于阅读理解词汇,见了认识即可。
411. stable = steady 稳定的
412. staff 工作人员 区别 stuff 原料,材料(=material)
413. standard 见了认识即可
414. starve vt. 使饿死 ~ to death 饿死; starve for news = long for / die for / be thirsty for/ be anxious ...渴望
415. status social ~ 社会地位
416. stimulate vt.刺激,激励 ~ sb to do sth = encourage /inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做...
417. strategy n. 策略,战略 work out a ~ 制定策略; carry out a ~执行策略
418. Stress n. 压力 under ~ 在压力之下 (= under pressure); 拓展: relieve sb of pressure 缓轻某人的压力
419. succeed 成功 反:fail 失败
用法: succeed/fail to do sth; succeed/fail in doing sth
420. sufficient adj. 充分的,足够的= enough/abundant/considerable/rich
反:deficient 不足的 (=shortage n. 短缺)
421. supply vt. 提供,供给 ~ sb with sth 给某人提供某物 in short ~ 供应不足
422. survive vt. 幸免于难 ~ earthquake(地震)/ flood (洪水)/ war/fire
423. suspect v. 怀疑 ~ sb of (doing) sth 怀疑....
adj. Suspicious = skeptical sb be suspicious/skeptical of 某人怀疑...
424. switch n. 开关,电闸 vt. 转换,转变
425. sympathy n. 同情,同情心 show ~ for sb = have mercy o n... 对...表示同情心
sympathetic adj. 同情心的
426. synthetic adj. 人造的,合成的= artificial / man-made
427. tackle 处理,解决= do with /deal with/ cope with/ dispose of / handle
428. talent n. 天才,才干,才能= gift/ genius
have a talent for... 有...方面的才能
429. temper 性情,脾气,情绪
lose one’s temper 发脾气; control one’s temper 控制脾气
be in a good mood/ temper to do sth 有心情做...
430. temporary adj. 短暂的,临时的 反: permanent /everlasting 永久的
431. tend 倾向、往往是 vt. 照顾,护理
tend to do sth 倾向于...; tend to sb = take care of /look after 照顾
432. thirsty adj. 口渴的,渴望的
be ~ for = long for / die for /starve for / look forward to...
433. /434/435 单词见了认识即可
436. transform 转变 = shift/vary; translate 翻译 拓:translator 译者(笔译),翻译 器; interpreter 口译; transplant 移植
437. trick 欺骗,哄骗= cheat/ deceive
~ sb into doing sth 欺骗某人做....; ~ sb out of doing sth 欺骗某人不做...
Play a ~ /joke on sb 捉弄某人
438. ultimate adj. 最终的,最后的 ad v. ultimately = finally
439. undertake vt. 承担,担任 = assume (responsibility) 承担责任;
undertake --undertook--undertaken
440. uniform 相同的,统一的 n. 制服 in ~ 穿着制服
441. unique adj. 唯一的,独特的= peculiar
442. urge 催促、力劝 ~ sb to do sth 催促某人做...
443. urgent adj. 紧急的 = emergent n. urgency 紧急
It is urgent/emergent/ imperative that.....(should) do/ be done
444. vacation 假期,休假 be on ~ 度假 ; 区别:vocation 天职
445. vain in ~ 徒劳地
446. valid 有效的 (be in force 生效) invalid 无效的
447. vanish 消失= disappear
448. victim n. 受害人 fall ~ to... 成为...牺牲品
449. violence n. 猛烈,强烈 adj. violent 暴力的,猛烈的= fierce competition 激烈的竞争
450. virtue n. 美德,优点 by ~ of 凭借=via/by
451. vital 重大的= essential /important/necessary
It is ~ that.....(should) do /be done
452. vivid 鲜明的,生动的
453. vote ~ for/against 投票支持/反对
454. /455/456/457 见了认识即可
458. wit = wisdom 智慧 at one’s wits’ end 绞尽脑汁
459. withdraw 见了认识即可
460. withstand vt. 抵挡,经受住 = resist doing sth
withstand--withstood --withstood
461. worth be ~ doing sth
worthy be worthy of being done
worthwhile be ~ to do sth 值得做...
464. yield to....= subject to..(doing).sth 屈服于
465. youth n. 青春
466. zone n. 地区,区域= district/area